

Dongguan aojiade precision metal Technology Co., Ltd

Headquarters address: Aston Science Park, Bihu Avenue, Fenggang town, Dongguan

Tel: 0769-82956188 / 13714365556

Contact: he Fengqin

Aojiade (Shandong) precision metal Technology Co., Ltd

Tel: 0536-7609066 / 18823710594

Contact: Jian minshi

The development prospect of pneumatic tools is considerable, and the five development trends can be referred to

點擊次數(shù):1130次  更新時間:2022-05-25  【打印此頁】   【返回

According to the market analysis and development prospect prediction report of China's pneumatic tool industry, there are five development trends of pneumatic tools in the future: first, miniaturization and integration. Because of the limited development and limited space, the overall size of pneumatic components is required to be as small as possible, and integration can not only save space, but also be conducive to the reliability of installation, maintenance and work; Second: combination, intelligence and precision; Third, the pace of automation is accelerating. In order to improve productivity, the high-speed of pneumatic tools is an inevitable trend; Fourth: with the increasing requirements of people, the oil-free, tasteless and aseptic functions of pneumatic tools will be continuously developed; Fifth, energy saving and low power consumption are permanent topics for enterprises.

Mechanical industry analysts pointed out that the number of shops engaged in pneumatic tool business in China is rising, which shows that pneumatic tool products have a superior market environment and considerable development prospects.

First of all, because the pneumatic tools can be easily operated through the operation of the air supply valve handle and the adjustment of the regulating valve, more levels of options can be provided in the speed range. Compared with electric tools, pneumatic tools are small and lightweight in terms of working capacity. Pneumatic tools are more suitable for working for a long time without heating. Even if the compressed air engine is overloaded, once the load phenomenon is relieved, it will resume normal operation.

Secondly, pneumatic tools have stronger water resistance, and can better adapt to various bad or harsh environments than other tools in terms of environmental applicability. Finally, compared with electric tools, pneumatic tools have large initial investment, but the cost of long-term use in energy consumption and tool maintenance is low.

For a long time, compared with manual tools, electric tools greatly reduce the labor intensity, improve the work efficiency, realize the mechanization of manual operation, and have lower cost and easier control than pneumatic tools. However, with the continuous innovation of science and technology, pneumatic tools are gradually becoming a rising star in the hardware industry.

copyright ? 2016 Dongguan aojiade precision metal Technology Co., Ltd. address: Aston Science Park, Bihu Avenue, Fenggang town, Dongguan Tel: 0769-82956188 / 1371436556 contact person: he Fengqin Yue ICP Bei No. 18020194

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